The basic configuration of the "ParkZoo2016" pavilions is to be maintained until 15 January 2017.

The participants of the charity event "The world is not without kind people! Let’s help homeless animals together!" have an additional 2% discount for participation in the exhibition" ParkZoo 2017 "

If you are planning to participate next year, we would recommend you to send the applications in advance, then we will be able to discuss with you the optimal location of the stand and the conditions of participation.

We would be grateful for your requests and constructive suggestions that you could have or that may arise in the course of the preparation for the exhibition "ParkZoo 2017".

Please, e-mail us and we will do everything that depends on us. It is only in close cooperation that we can make the exhibition better and the participation in it more successful.

We are always in touch!


Organizers of the exhibition "ParkZoo"
